Sustainable Places in the World.

  • Installation and commissioning of Cogeneration or Trigeneration units equipped with Gas Turbines and Engines.
  • Installation, commissioning and operation of temporary power plants with a capacity of several megawatts, using containerized generators.
  • Inspection and overhaul of alternators and medium power/medium voltage electric motors.
  • Repair and reconditioning of white metal anti-friction bearings and thrust pads.
  • Fourniture et installation de filtres à air pour les Turbines à Gaz.
  • Fourniture et montage de compensateurs de dilatationsouples des conduites gaz chaud.
  • Mise à disposition de main d’œuvre qualifiée (Ingénieurs& Superviseurs& Techniciens) pour la réalisation des travaux de maintenance aux centrales électriques.
  • Offer Operation and Maintenance OEM contracts for power generation plants.

IMPS masters and carries out the anti-friction white metal regulation of the bearings and pads of industrial rotating machines:

Gas turbines, steam turbines, hydraulic turbines, alternators, electric motors, pumps, fans, speed reducers, mills.
Our services associated with these activities are :

  • On-site inspection of journal bearings of rotating machines and submission of reports.
  • The reconstitution of the plans of the bearings and the pads of the stops by the taking of the dimensions and the reverse-engineering.


IMPS supplies and carries out the turnkey assembly of flexible expansion joints in industrial textiles for hot and cold metal ducts and pipes.

Our main services associated with this activity are :

  • On-site inspection of expansion joints and submission of reports.
  • The taking of the dimensions of the installed expansion compensators and the reconstitution of the plans.
  • The repair or/and remanufacturing of the metal parts that support the expansion compensators.
  • The supply of accessory parts for expansion compensators, namely: Flanges, counter-flanges, deflectors and clamps.

IMPS se procure ces compensateurs de dilatation auprès de notre partenaire exclusif la société Franco-Tunisienne CODIL-Tunisie certifiée ISO 9001 qui les fabrique localement en application stricte des normes européennes.
IMPS fournit aussi les compensateurs de dilatation métalliques et en caoutchouc qu’elle se les procure auprès de son partenaire la société française SEIRIS SA.

IMPS strictly applies the principle of the chain of suppliers by demanding the same quality criteria.<